Over the last few days, I had the privilege and honor of getting to shoot my sister’s engagement pictures in Washington state. Even though she’s my sister, I still had the jitters. I was so nervous, because I wanted her pictures to turn out incredible. I wanted her to look at these pictures and smile, and for years to come, look at the pictures and feel the love that her and Sean have.
There were a few road blocks that we encountered trying to get these. We had planned to visit several places near Seattle, WA. We wanted to take pictures at the Space Needle (because duh!), sunset at Alki Beach, and we wanted to capture the beautiful mountains near Levonworth. As it turns out, there was a music festival taking over downtown Seattle, so the place where we needed to take our Space Needle pictures was blocked off. We ended up running out of time to visit Alki beach during the day, but when we visited with our mother at night, the sandy beach was overtaken by slimy seaweed. So, we wouldn’t have been able to take any decent pictures there either. Then, when we drove to Levonworth, the smoke coming from the north blocked any decent view of the mountains. We were really bummed, but we were determined to make it work.
Our photoshoot started off with an adorable vintage Disney “Up” theme. Sean & Melissa looked the part perfectly, and I know they were both really excited for this shoot. We took these pictures on the property where Sean & Melissa live. There was a beautiful trail that we went to where people passed by us and even said that they looked adorable!
After the Up themed shoot, we traveled to Snoqualmie Falls for more pictures. We planned it perfectly, because the sun was in just the right position for the most beautiful
golden light. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize that the actual falls were too low behind us for us to be able to really get any waterfall shots, but we managed. These pictures turned out vibrant and beautiful, and Sean & Melissa looked perfect together.

We did a lot of traveling for pictures we didn’t end up getting, so yes, there was some disappointment. But, if I do say so myself, I think these pictures turned out stunning and beautiful and romantic. I love my sister Missy very much, and and I love getting to see her in love. Sean, thank you for being a wonderful man to my sister. I wish you both a lifetime and more of happiness together.
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