Aubrey & Brandon Visuals offer a distinctive experience that combines the artistry of fine art film photography and cinematography with an editorial approach, resulting in refined, timeless imagery.


Stunning Sunset Downtown Engagement | David & Chelsey

November 1, 2018

I am FINALLY starting to get caught up on blogging, and I love that I’m reliving all of my sessions and weddings with the blog images!! David & Chelsey had such a beautiful session downtown at White River State Park! I love downtown because there are so many areas for beautiful backdrops, which gives us such an awesome variety of images!

I previously met with Chelsey at her consultation a few months ago. We talked about so many things and it made me so excited for their wedding next year! The details and colors she has planned are going to be so stunning, just like her! Chelsey is seriously GORGEOUS! Then, I was finally able to meet the love of her life – David during their engagement session!! The two of them together are so sweet, and we had so much fun during their engagement session! I cannot get over how lucky I continue to be with the funnest, most photogenic couples on the planet!

We strolled all around the state park area, and I got so lucky to find some gorgeous sunset glow. We finished off our time together with a spectacular shot of downtown! Give me all the beautfiul pink skies against city skyline!

I’m so excited for their wedding next year!! So many more amazing images are sure to come from these two!

Check out another of my favorite downtown sessions here!

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Behind the Lens

meet aubrey & brandon

Aubrey & Brandon have been documenting love stories across the globe since 2017. Our humble beginnings take place in southern Indiana, where our love began in high-school French class. Fast forward 15 years, we share two beautiful daughters, and a passion for creating that has led us to fulfill our creative souls and serve the most amazing people.

Behind the Lens

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