This is my very first year doing a year in review, and I’m excited to share the highs AND the lows of 2020, and talk about what my goals are for 2021!
I think we can all agree that when we counted down at midnight to a brand new year on December 31, 2019, no one could’ve expected what 2020 would hold. We all had goals, hopes, dreams, and plans for what 2020 might look like, but for so many, it looked entirely different that we planned.
COVID-19 rocked the entire world, and each of our personal worlds as well. Trying to navigate life social distancing from family & friends for 9 months this year was hard on everyone. I tried as much as I could to make the most of this year, so here’s a peak at how my year went.
2020 went a little something like this:
My best friend Jen had her beautiful baby girl Emmy to kick off the year –
I shot so many wonderful engagement sessions, families, and maternity sessions –
12 Weddings –
My baby girl turned ONE –
We lost our fur-family member, Sadie. She was only 7, and passed away of cancer –
We took our first trip as a family of three to Charleston, South Carolina. This was my very first time there and it’s officially my new favorite place –
Our boy Moose joined the Thornsbury family –
ANDDDDDD my little sister & her hubby announced they are having a BABY…. AND IT’S A BOY!!!!
It’s been such an eventful year, but I’m ready to look forward to the upcoming year, and make it my best one yet.
Business Goals for 2021 🎉:
- Develop content as resources for my brides
- Build tips & tricks content for photographers
- Use Instagram a WHOLE lot more
- Ramp up my Pinterest marketing
- Enhance my client experience to serve my amazing couples even better
- Utilize a planner to keep myself on track
- Hit my booking goal for 2022
- Start learning how to shoot film
Personal Goals for 2021:
- Learn how to garden and do landscaping on my house
- Train my puppy to be the goodest boy
- spend more time with friends
- potty train Evy (if ya’ll have any tips on this, comment down below 🙈)
- cook more
- redo half bath in house
2020 is in the past, and I have more energy for this coming year than ever before. I’m ready to take on the world, photograph more incredible couples, continue growing my business, and love on my little family more than ever!
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