Aubrey & Brandon Visuals offer a distinctive experience that combines the artistry of fine art film photography and cinematography with an editorial approach, resulting in refined, timeless imagery.


Newborn Lifestyle Session | Lyla

December 10, 2020

There’s an adorable new member of the Clauss family, and I just couldn’t get enough of her sweet little face! This newborn lifestyle session really brightened up the end of my 2020.

I shot Molly and Adam’s wedding back in October of 2018. I remember that day so fondly and remembered how crazy they were about each other. Fast forward to earlier this year, and Molly reached out to me wanting some newborn photos of her daughter! I typically don’t do many sessions outside of weddings, but how can you turn down a previous bride wanting pictures of her brand new baby?

When I arrived at the Clauss home, I was taken back by how gorgeous Molly looked! I remember the first few weeks of motherhood (even if it was a little blurry), and there’s no WAY I looked as good as Molly looked two weeks post birth. Adam brought the star of the show over to me and I got to meet Lyla! She’s this perfect, teeny tiny little bundle of joy. I absolutely couldn’t wait to start taking pictures of her!

Throughout the entire session, she was calm and sleepy – a perfect little angel. I couldn’t stop raving about her perfect head of hair and how sweet she was! For a few shots, we even included their family dog (which, you guys know how much I love dogs), and I honestly could’ve kept photographing this family the whole day. I was so happy to be able to catch up with Molly and Adam after two years. It’s so weird to think that since they got married, we BOTH have had a baby and started our families! THIS is the part of photography that I can’t get enough of.

In-home family/newborn photoshoots can be a little intimidating, but I had such a wonderful time with this family. I hope I get to watch miss Lyla grow into a lovely young lady!

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Behind the Lens

meet aubrey & brandon

Aubrey & Brandon have been documenting love stories across the globe since 2017. Our humble beginnings take place in southern Indiana, where our love began in high-school French class. Fast forward 15 years, we share two beautiful daughters, and a passion for creating that has led us to fulfill our creative souls and serve the most amazing people.

Behind the Lens

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